Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

The Birth of Kurawa(Java Version)

Destarastra was the brother from Pandu Dewanata, even he was blind, but his younger brother Pandu Dewanata really respect to him, so Pandu Dewanata was bring three beautiful princess(Dewi Madrim, Dewi Kunthi, Dewi Gendhari) and he should choose one from them.
Because he was blind, so Destarastra was lift them one by one, then he was choosing Dewi Gendhari because she was heavily from the others.
Destarastra was happy because he got Dewi Gendhari and he was hoping that Dewi Gendhari can give soooo much child to them, but Dewi Gendhari itself wasn’t happy with the wedded, she was jealous and angry because she was look like a gambling dice, she was thinking that the beautiful princess like her supposed to be had a handsome husband like Pandu Dewanata. But Dewi Gendhari mislaid all of her trouble in her heart, she was respecting her husband, Destarastra.
A few months later,  Dewi Gendhari was pregnant, it was making Destarastra more happier than before, but after three years had pass, Dewi Gendhari wasn’t give birth to Destarastra yet, there’s no sign, it was look like a dead weight, but Dewi Gendhari and Destarastra wasn’t give up, everyday they wasn’t forget to prey, specially Dewi Gendhari who really wants to had a many son and kill Pandu Dewanata’s child.
Someday, Dewi Gendhari decided to take a walk in the palace’s garden, she was really enjoying the garden until the sky became dark and the rain was starts falling down.
When Dewi Gendhari was walking back to the palace, suddenly there was a sound of big tiger and it was make Dewi Gendhari finnaly give birth to her child, all people who were there was waiting the expression from Dewi Gendhari… because it wasn’t a child like what Dewi Gendhari want! It was just something like a big meat that had a circle form, or something like a big stone, but it was had a little move and all people there was thinking that meat was alive, but Dewi Gendhari was kicking that meat and make that meat broken into a one hundred pieces then she fainted.
Dewi Gendhari was awake when the night come, then Batari Durga showed in front of Dewi Gendhari, he was telling that one hundred pieces from the meat will come alive as her son when the midnight come then Batari Durga disappeared.
When the midnight was come, all thing that Batari Durga said became truth, Dewi Gendhari was got one hundred sons and she and her husband was call them Kurawa

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